HW class notes
- 12 people max
- Actually kit the hardware ahead of time
- If possible, maybe pre-program the teensy for initial testing ease
Software class notes
- Can support more people if instructor wants to
- Have instructor write a summary of what will be covered, what experience level is assumed
- Always say what phyiscal items (if any) will be received
- Have software download links right there in the announcement text
- Announcement text should include general info about monthly workshop, subscribe to -announce to find out about future workshops, link to wiki for future workshop ideas
- Wiki page, rename link, promote to front, sticky at top
- dorkbot site, announce, blabber, facebook (pdx em group for music related stuff), twitter, calagator, paper for freebox
- Email reminder the day before
Items to bring
- Powerstrips
- Projector
- Extra USB cables? Extra irons, etc.
Pre-class stuff
- Plug DB
- Plug next workhop
- Plug Flux (pass bucket around)
During class
- Class material on USB drive to avoid network issues
Post class
- Post pictures to flicker db group
- De-sticky workshop post