Workshops can be many things. A software tutorial, a group build, teaching a specific technique, or even an excuse to do that group project you needed to get people for. If you'd like to lead or attend a workshop of some sort related to the theme of people doing strange things with electricity, please add you ideas here (if you're interested in leading a workshop, please add a note saying so):
- three.js class
- Servo class (use them to drive automata? use them for other silly stuff?)
- Soldering tutorial (through hole & SMT)
- PCB etching tutorial
- Designing PCBs with Eagle/KiCAD
- Working with microcontrollers (could focus on an individual family or have a general intro to various uCs).
- Circuit bending
- Creative hack-a-thon (bring parts/surplus, repurpose it either improv style or toward a concept).
- Build a musical instrument
- Using open source software for art
- PureData tutorial (we should get Jason to lead this one ;~)
- LEDs - Series vs Parallel, Calculating Power req, hard/soft PWM, controllers, 7 segments, cubes
See the main workshop page here.