Do This
- Publicly accessible backups
- Maybe update the look and feel a bit
- Add WSYWIG editor
- Increase max file upload size above 2MB
- Figure out why the recommended MediaWiki syntax for image linking File:Title Of The Image doesn't work anymore.
- Require login over HTTPS
- Figure out some way to make sure spam queue is getting moderated on an ongoing basis
- Replace old recent changes sidebar so we have that available again and make sure it's not showing old, out-of-date spam entries instead of new content/changes
Done This
- Add at least one more person to the DNS records so I'm not the only responsible party (you know, in case I get hit by a bus) ;~) - 10/04/2012 Jason also has access (thanks thomas!)
- Fix the rest of the images on Ward's blog posts - 9/6/2012 jjp
- I think I replicated the workflow...but the end result still sucks and was a bunch of manual work. I have the images rendering, but it requires image_assist and hard-coded node id links, which I fear are totally prone to future breakage.
- WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT why the MediaWiki image syntax doesn't work yet.
- Add the NetworkRedux logo to the site - 9/4/2012 jjp
- Fix favicon.ico - 9/5/2012 jjp
- Figure out how to get email sending working from the host - 9/17/2012 tml
- I moved's DNS over to As part of that, they offer up to 5 free email accounts, so I added one (named strictly for the purpose of sending email from Drupal, etc. Once I have one or two more contacts added to the DNS registration, I'll give others access to that account so someone can occasionally login and make sure it's still do what it should and not totally filled with spam crap.