New Boards!

By: UNTEngineer

2011-07-08 22:02:32

Finally got back in town, and what did I get in the mail? My new boards. Purple and gold: Love them. Thanks to Laen for the awesome work. So now the next step is to check them to make sure they're all electronically correct, and order any parts left to order.

Heres a couple snapshots:

As you can see, I made my logo for my future company: Pharotronix, and some silkscreen artwork. I also labeled this as the Reladuino, which is the Relay shield that will go with the Arduino Uno.

I also received my Powerduino, which is the DC-DC converter shield with a MAX1771 chip in it, as well as another prototype board set.

More updates to come in the future!

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