Open Pd workshop

By: breedx

2009-08-10 22:38:16

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                 THIS SUNDAY - Aug 16th - 1-5pm @ PNCA rm 205
 [pd(          //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\
  |   [you(   ///                                           \\\
  |  /        ///  Hi.  DorkbotPDX would like to welcome    \\\
 [+ ]         ///  you to an OPEN Pd workshop.  This is a   \\\
  |           ///  4-hour open workshop in which you can    \\\
 [creative]   ///  bring any project you like to hack on    \\\
  |           ///  and share ideas and get help.  All       \\\
 [outlet]     ///  projects are welcome, but we will be     \\\
              ///  focusing on Pure Data (Pd).              \\\
              ///                                           \\\
              ///  The workshop is intended to be a         \\\
              ///  collaborative effort -- there is no      \\\
              ///  curriculum, the cost is FREE, and you    \\\
   [+]        ///  may come and go as you like.             \\\
              ///                                           \\\
              ///  For the best workshop experience, bring  \\\
              ///  a laptop with Pd preinstalled and as     \\\
              ///  much or as little gear as you can carry! \\\
              ///                                           \\\
        [*~]  ///  /20090816_openpd    \\\
              /// <- map       \\\
              ///                                           \\\

             people doing strange things with pd and electricity

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