Well I got my first dorkboard up and running today. Pretty easy to assemble, and the form factor is unbelievable. I needed a programming adapter. The benito was a bit daunting to me as a hobbyist, so I decided to make an adapter for my existing usb to serial cable. I've used this cable on the boardunio, and the wee(predecessor to the arduino pro mini by sparkfun) so I figured it should be doable.
Thanks to IRC and a few helpful people I rigged something up, and added a capacitor to the board to get auto-reset to work, and it worked like a charm.
So off to eagle to make a prettier board, not on perf with wires hanging out. I also included the option to add the cap to the adapter where it really belongs, though if you want to put the cap on the board like I did, you can do that, and just use a jumper on the adapter.
I uploaded it to BatchPCB, so if anyone else wants one they can get it here http://www.batchpcb.com/product_info.php?products_id=19682&check=4bc3af07e14fdec847f65ad9b87ff8c3