Open Mic Surgery! 2012 12 17

By: skinny

2012-12-04 17:52:45


When: Monday, December 17th, 2012 :: 8pm
Where: Someday Lounge (map) (just two doors down from Backspace)
Who: DorkbotPDX and YOU!
Cost: Free!  Open to the public!

We will be taking advantage of the audio/visual system to have an open-mic style event.  Think: OpenDork meets OpenMic.  Bring your own signal!

Signal ideas:

To keep things moving, we're going to have slots that you sign up for.  We will try our best to stay on schedule and enforce the following limits:

Setup: 5 minutes
Performance: 8 minutes

To sign up, add your name to the table below.  We're trying to keep the audio and video slots independently available, so if you're performing some sound based work, someone else could present video work at the same time.  If this won't work for you (because it's a quick talk for example) sign up for both audio and video in that slot.

Slot 0 starts at 8pm.

08:00 - 8:08pm Brian Richardson
18:13 - 8:21pmFred KnackFred Knack
28:26 - 8:34pmThomas HudsonDan Lidral-Porter
38:39 - 8:47pmDJ Vlad PantryZach Archer
48:52 - 9:00pmZack DoughertyZack Dougherty
59:05 - 9:13pmSuspect DevicesSuspect Devices
69:18 - 9:26pmLibbey WhiteLibbey White
79:31 - 9:39pmjesse mejiajesse mejia
89:44 - 9:52pmedward sharpedward sharp
99:57 - 10:05pminfiltration lab 

* Weird Fiction had to cancel due to somewhat last minute issues, sorry!

We could also use volunteers to coordinate/document:

Videographer 1: <please sign up>

Videographer 2:  <please sign up>

Audio track coordinator: <please sign up>

Video track coordinator: <please sign up>

Might also be nice to have slides during setup to announce who is coming up?  Can you do this for us?  <please sign up>

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