Clowns and Kites

By: Kyle

2007-10-07 17:22:54

Do any of you know David Santos? He is an aerospace robotoid from Austin who called himself the Portland Clown House Science officer because he was staying there when I met him.

I'm a freelance writer. I recently (September, 2007) wrote a cover story for Hipfish Monthly about the West Coast Convergence for Climate Action (a big protest of a proposed liquefied natural gas treatment plant on the lower Columbia river). The article included a big chunk about David Santos' kite-powered cell phone charger. I dig gizmos and managed to make that a significant part of the article.

Anyway, he turned me on to your website and I'd love to drop by one of your meetings and see what other cool inventions are kicking around the city. I'd like to pitch a story profiling your group to Portland Monthly Magazine.

If you don't mind the company of a sleazy writer then shoot me an email at and let me know when the next meeting is.


-Kyle Cassidy

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